
Freshman Seminar Offerings Doubled

Report on first-year program promotes reform

The increases came largely in the humanities—including six new seminars given by members of the Department of English and American Languages and Literatures.

“Some departments made commitments to [make those increases], but others felt they were too short-staffed to be able to cover their curriculum and offer more seminars,” Pedersen said.


Pedersen said that the Administration will continue to talk during the summer to investigate more formal ways of expanding the Freshman Seminar program, including exploring possible connections between the Core Curriculum and the Freshman Seminar program.

“We’re expanding the program incrementally so that we can see if there is demand for it,” Pedersen said.

Yesterday’s Faculty meeting—the last of the year except for the June degree meeting—was also President Neil L. Rudenstine’s last, and Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles bade Rudenstine farewell.

“On behalf of the Faculty, I want to thank you for an uplifting decade,” Knowles said.

The Faculty gave Rudenstine a standing ovation.

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