
Ad Hoc Positions Empower Council

Council conservatives have stressed the need for objectivity among the council's appointees.

"I hope that SAC will remember that student viewpoints are varied on this issue and also that this is not the 'Living Wage Committee' but the Committee on Employment Practices," said Council Parliamentarian John P. Marshall `01. "Often the best person... is someone who doesn't have a preconceived solution in mind."


"They need to find someone not carrying an agenda," said council member Sterling P.A. Darling `01. "A PSLM member who won't listen will not be effective."

SAC Chair Todd E. Plants `01 said he expects the PSLM to submit a "slate of candidates," but that "the campus will be better served by different perspectives."

Although council members are precluded from serving on the committee, at least two--former council secretary John F. Bash `03 and Fred O. Smith `04--have announced their resignations from the council and their plans to compete for a seat on the committee.

Bash said his "moderate conservative" ideology will bring a unique perspective to the committee.

"I think I will bring a student voice that both appreciates the complexities of the issue and is committed to the overarching moral mission of reducing poverty in our community," Bash said.

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