
Law School Begins Faculty, Student Life Initiatives

'College' system, smaller classes for first-years central to reforms

But Timothy A. Chorba, a 1972 HLS graduate who served as U.S. Ambassador to Singapore from 1994 to 1997, says some of the HLS rhetoric about the emergence of an international law community might be overblown.

"It sounds good but I don't believe it," he says. "It's no different now than it was 30 years ago."


A Thriving Metropolis

If HLS is already a metropolis, the strategic plan will only perpetuate that reality. Space at HLS is at a premium and the administration will be pressed to meet the space demands of the strategic plan.

Currently, the plan calls for $100 million to create room for new faculty offices and social spaces for the law colleges.

"We have a variety of preliminary ideas which require discussion with the University and the neighborhood," Meltzer says.

HLS must provide space for 15 new faculty members, provided the school is able to raise the funds to hire them.

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