
A Chat with Robert Rodriguez

Q: What's your basic approach to making a movie?

A: Well, as far as the screenwriting is concerned, I usually just start with a single character or a little speck of an idea and just go from there. You start small and build little by little. I went to film school for about a semester, but that was just so I could get my hands on the equipment-you really have to use film rather than video if you want to make it on the film festival circuit. But in my opinion, film school won't teach you anything.


Q: So what's next on the slate?

A: I'm juggling a couple of different potential projects. I've reached that point in my career where everything has basically become a labor-of-love, which is why I intend to only shoot my own scripts from now on. I did From Dusk Till Dawn and The Faculty, but the whole filmmaking process is a lot more personal if you're filming your own story. And I've actually already written the Spy Kids sequel.

Q: Really? What's it going to be about?

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