
English Professor Named Chair of VES Department

Kenan Professor of English Marjorie Garber has been appointed the new chair of the Department of Visual and Environmental Studies, replacing Ellen Phelan, Professor of the Practice of Studio Arts in Visual and Environmental Studies.

The mid-year switch was made by Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles, who announced the decision to the department's permanent faculty at a meeting on April 4, and Garber became chair the next day.

Department faculty were not consulted about the possibility of replacing Phelan, who has been chair of the department since 1998.


The department's teaching assistants and students have not yet been officially notified of the changeover, and no public statement has been made explaining the rationale for the decision.

Garber, who also directs Harvard's Humanities Center, has met with department faculty and staff several times since she was installed as chair. Garber is one of the world's foremost authorities on Shakespeare, but has no formal background in the visual arts.

"I'm going to be doing a lot of homework," she said.

Phelan, who has served as director of the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts alongside her chairship, will remain on the department faculty. She could not be reached for comment.

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