
Dining Hall Workers Swell Protest Ranks To Highest Yet

A boisterous rally of almost 250 Harvard dining workers spilled over into Mass. Ave. last night, in the largest sign of support yet in the week-old occupation of Mass. Hall by members of the Progressive Student Labor Movement (PSLM).

The rally started normally enough as PSLM's nightly 9 p.m. candlelight vigil got underway, but even PSLM members were surprised as the crowd outside swelled to almost 500 chanting supporters-many of them members of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Local 26, the union that represents Harvard's dining hall workers.

Local President Janice Loux announced last night that the union would be taking a vote next Wednesday to authorize a strike.

Though all dining hall workers in the union are already making more than the $10.25 an hour that PSLM is demanding for Harvard workers, the union's contract expires the day after Commencement, and negotiations are ongoing.


Shortly before 9 p.m., the rally began with a parade of chanting supporters around the occupied Mass. Hall. Next, Loux gave a fiery speech to the assembled union workers, and the rally slowly drifted out onto Mass Ave.

Neither police nor PSLM had anticipated the size and scope of the rally, and the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) called in its senior officers as the rally peaked in size and energy.

The protesters occupied the median on Mass. Ave. between Mass. Hall and the Unitarian Universalist Church, waving signs at passing cars, blocking the road at times, and chanting, "the people united, will never be divided."

Passing cars honked to show their support, as chanting supporters dodged through the traffic.

Almost two dozen Cambridge police directed traffic and worked to ensure safety at the rally. Police closed off Mass. Ave. below Bow St. to help control traffic as the rally spilled into the street.

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