
PSLM Gets Substantial Boost at Weekend Rallies

Before leaving, Reich-like Kennedy-shook hands through the windows with the students inside Mass. Hall.

Some local political leaders have also stopped by Mass. Hall to express their support. Mass. State Rep. Jarrett T. Barrios '90 brought protesters breakfast Saturday morning and chatted with those inside the building.

PSLM members said they hope the vocal support from political leaders will push the administration to negotiate with the protesters.


"This is all about pressure and showing there is a unified front," said PSLM member Emilou H. Maclean '01.

But University Spokesperson Joe Wrinn said the administration will not cave to outside pressure-and will not negotiate with students while the sit-in continues.

"We're certainly not going to speak to them while they're occupying a building," Wrinn said yesterday.

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