Peace, Quiet and PSLM
To the editors:
I will withhold judgement on the merits of the living wage campaign. I’ll even withhold judgement on President Neil L. Rudenstine’s general policy of permitting protestors to occupy his offices and then not punishing them.
But as the proctor in Massachusetts Hall I must complain when the protesters are permitted to chant outside this residential dorm until after midnight, preventing students from studying, relaxing or sleeping. Wasn’t this a case of disturbing the peace? Why did the protestors’ “right” to go unmolested and unaccountable trump my students’ right to peace and quiet? Why weren’t the protestors dispersed by the police?
The innocent students of Mass Hall and Matthews now reap what the administration’s policy of non-confrontation has sown.
David J. Meskill
April 19, 2001