


Mary Campbell ’01

April 10, 2001


Bulldoze Radcliffe

To the editors:

I would like to second Alex F. Rubalcava’s recommendation that Harvard “bulldoze Radcliffe.” The powers that be recently determined that Pforzheimer House’s kitchens are not worth their size. How, then, can the few programs that Radcliffe still runs be said to deserve all of Radcliffe Yard? Space is a precious commodity in Harvard Square, and Radcliffe, in its current state, is not worth all of the space that it occupies.

The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study seems to me to be little more than a mockery of the old Radcliffe College. I blame institutional inertia for its continued existence, and I hope that president-elect Lawrence H. Summers will have to courage to call for its dissolution, which ought to have been accomplished during the Harvard-Radcliffe merger of 1999.

Carey E. Schwaber ’01

April 11, 2001

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