
Vigil Held To Support Rape Victims

Although the tone of the event was somber and much anger was expressed towards rape assailants and the institutions that victims said they believed had failed to prosecute them, the general atmosphere of the evening was one of healing and education.

"I have a lot of friends who have been friends of sexual violence but weren't able to speak about it out of fear," said Celeste R. LeCompte `04. "The University needs to be more outspoken on the subject."


Once the circle dispersed, the group marched through the Yard and down Mass. Ave. and into the MAC Quad, chanting phrases like "Women Unite! Take Back the Night!" and "Out of the Dorms! Into the Streets! We Won't Be Raped! We Won't Be Beat!"

A similar vigil was held at the MAC Quad. For over an hour, rally participants shared their stories, provided support for victims, and discussed ways for preventing future attacks.

Last night's rally was the culmination of a weeklong series of events which included a women's self-defense class, several panel discussions and a screening of the film "Repetition Compulsion." Organizers also placed artistic displays in the Science Center and a highly visible clothesline project in the Yard telling victims' stories in their own words.

The final event of the week, the annual Take Back the River Run, will take place tomorrow at noon at the Weld Boat House.

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