
PBHA Alumni Association Fosters Public Service Careers

Since then, he has worked with Aalap A. Mahadevia '03, who is a student member of the PBHA Board of Trustees and now a student liasion to the alumni association.

"It's an alumni-led effort," Mahadevia says. "We just want to make sure that the student input is there."

Beilenson says he is happy with the level of student interest so far.


"People at PBHA have been very supportive of our efforts. We've been very careful not to step on students' toes," he says.

But territorial issues are tricky at PBHA in the summer, when students run several summer camps through the Summer Urban Program (SUP) and demand for student volunteers is high. With an increase in public service internship opportunities, some students could consider setting sail for brighter shores than Cambrdige for a summer of service.

PBHA President Trevor S. Cox '01-'02 and others at PBHA say they are not worried, however.

"I think it sort of appeals to a different kind of person. It's great to do political advocacy, but it's different from running a summer camp," Cox says.

Beilenson also downplays potential conflicts between internships through the alumni association and SUP.

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