
Princeton Freshman Seminars Supply Model

Senior faculty teach almost half of courses

Fleming calls the seminars "luxurious treatment," not only for students, but for professors as well.

"This is very expensive," he says. "You take a full-time professor and put them with 15 students and it might be half their course load."


Just For Freshmen

Being up close and personal with a full time faculty member can be a definative academic experience for a freshman, professors at Princeton say.

"It does make freshman feel from the get go that whatever happens with the rest of their college career, they had that intellectual experience," Rosen says.

And even if students do not end up following the lead of their seminar into a given discipline, the academic experience is a beneficial one.

"Most students will not become science majors, but many will become influential in politics or another area where that knowledge will be helpful,"

McLendon says, noting a student who is now an art history major but was a major contributer in his chemistry seminar.

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