
Unexpected Vacany Fires Up Council Race

Announcement by Born opens field in city council race

"The Born people are going to be shopping around for a place to go," Koocher said.

Born lives on Walnut Ave., in a neighborhood near Porter Square.


And, as has happened before, someone from the School Committee will probably step up to fill the incumbent vacuum, Koocher said.

Koocher speculates that School Committee member Susana M. Segat is the most "realistic" candidate.

"She is a very savvy lobbyist, someone who is capable of playing the hardest hardball at the highest levels," Koocher said.

And Segat's work on the School Committee with the controversial changes to Cambridge Rindge and Latin School boosts her status in the community, Carson said.

"She's done very well on the School Committee, and has in particular a strong support among high school parents," Carson said. "Given the level of interest in matters at the high school level over the last couple of years that could serve to get her name recognition."

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