
Summers Hints at Huge Faculty Increase

President-elect suggests easing tenure and hiring 200 new profs.

In turn, small departments often do not have the manpower to expend the time needed to make enough appointments to actually increase the size of the department.

"More faculty would make [the search process] less labor-intensive," says one University Hall official.

The University president does not become a formal part of the process until much later, presiding over ad-hoc committee meetings and making the final decision on the candidate.


FAS officials say that only individual departments are qualified to conduct searches for positions within them.

"It's very difficult to take the process out of the departments," says one dean.

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The president of the University is thus even more removed from the machinery of the search process than the dean of the Faculty, and though Rudenstine has supported Knowles' efforts, Rudenstine's actual involvement in the process has been minimal.

And though faculty and administrators stress that increasing the size of the faculty is primarily Knowles' domain, they say Summers can play a role in effecting the broad gains he proposed to the presidential search committee, and that he may have some advantages his predecessor lacked.

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