
Senior Trio Plays Together, Lives Together, Leads Together

McKenry, Thoke, and Vogt-Lowell Make Softball Team a Happy Family

The numbers and awards do not tell the whole story.

"It's reassuring to have Mairead on the field," Vogt-Lowell said. "She calms everyone down, and she has a strong presence."

McKendry notes the same thing about her roommate.

"Jen keeps things in perspective for the team," she said. "She reminds us not to take stuff so seriously."

The Ohio native brings her solid glove and lighthearted attitude whenever she jogs onto the filed. Vogt-Lowell started in 23 games last year, mostly at second base.


"Jen does the little things that keep the team going," Thoke said. "She gives you a smile in the huddle, or does silly dugout dances to cheer you up. It's as important as any hit or strikeout."

Mother Geese

The leadership does not stop on the field. The seniors' room in Winthrop has become the locus of social activity for the softball squad.

"The three of us and our room have become the unifying agent of the team," Thoke said.

After a game or practice, players will often head to their room to relax and talk more as friends, and less as teammates.

"When I was a freshman, we would never call the seniors up and ask them to hang out," Vogt-Lowell said. "That's what these girls do--they feel comfortable coming to us."

McKendry, Vogt-Lowell and Thoke embrace their role, and try to make themselves available to the younger players as much as possible.

"Girls are always coming to Mairead with worries and concerns," Thoke said. "She's always willing to listen and talk. It's not just about softball."

The friendships made on and off the field have even translated to the players' parents.

Whenever the team is in the region, parents host the players, often preparing huge dinners that provide the families with a chance to meet.

"All of our parents are friends," McKendry said. "There is a tremendous family presence on the team, and it's true among the players as well."

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