
Council Begins Push for Parties Until 2 a.m.

Smith said, as well, that a 2 a.m. party curfew would be more in line with the closing hours of a number of popular Harvard Square establishments, like Pinocchio's and Tommy's House of Pizza.

College officials also contributed arguments in favor of extending the current curfew.


One administrator said keeping parties going later might help curb the problem of binge drinking that occurs when students return home early but feel that it is too early to go to bed.

Another suggested that extending official party hours would be a way for the College to lessen the importance of final clubs, which do not have curfews.

But Smith also highlighted possible concerns that might result from extending party hours.

In addition to the problem of noise associated with all parties, Smith introduced mostly logistical issues, including the need to comply with Cambridge city ordinances and ensure that security guards and resident tutors can be on-call until 2 a.m.

These areas, the meeting's attendees unanimously decided, need further exploration.

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