


If Fong does not feel comfortable around such people, he does not have to associate with them. As is the case with all people, everyone is entitled to their own attitudes, and though one may not agree with the Asian cliques, one must realize that they are entitled to their choice of (legal) behavior. Perhaps it is more constructive to see what the groups have in common so that both parties may understand each other better.

I do feel, however, that The Harvard Crimson did not exercise a reasonable amount of prudence in publishing the article. I am not an advocate of censorship, but to have the article stand alone with poorly articulated feelings is a recipe for misunderstanding. I feel that The Crimson owed itself and Fong more time to ensure that a balance of viewpoints were expressed in a more positive manner.

Anthony Sun


Princeton, N.J.

March 15, 2001

'Invasian' Insensitive

To the editors:

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