
Open All Night: College Ponders Extending Hours

"If we develop the facility, we're going to want to use it as much as we possibly can," Illingworth says.

There are, however, serious logistical issues involved in extending the MAC's hours.


Parts of the building might have to be off-limits late at night, says Michael N. Lichten, director of physical resources for FAS.

"At three in the morning, do you want people in the swimming pool?" Lichten asks.

While Lichten says he doesn't think it would be wise to let people use free weights late at night, Illingworth envisions all-night access to workout equipment. In any case, Lichten doesn't think it would be a problem to shut off certain areas of the building if necessary.

Trickier are the expenses that would be incurred by keeping the building open all night.

According to Lewis, shuttles will probably have to run all night to accommodate late-night visitors to the building. This would come at a considerable cost--and would be an incidental concession to the council, which has argued unsuccessfully for 24-hour shuttle service in the past.

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