
Students Binge Less, But Hurt More By Others' Drinking

Despite less frequent bingeing, more experience unwanted sexual advances

Almost 60 percent of Harvard students say they have looked after a drunk friend since the beginning of this hear, compared to 46 percent nationally.

Neil R. Brown '01, a staffer in Room 13, says the peer counseling service often helps students trying to take of their inebriated companions.


"We get a lot of calls on Friday and Saturday nights from students calling to ask how to deal with their drunk friends," he says.

Administrators say babysitting is a serious issue on campus.

"We get visits from roommates wondering what they can do about the environment in which they are living, where they don't want to be seen as snitches but they are tired of babysitting their roommates," Lewis says. "This is a tough problem to which we have tried to respond."

Behind Closed Doors

Much of Harvard's binge drinking goes on in private, intimate settings on campus, in the company of fellow students.

Students are much more likely to binge drink at a final club or at a party in a dorm room than at an off-campus bar or club, The Crimson's survey found.

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