
RUS Addresses Female Tenure, Curriculum

Bolstered by an influx of first-year participants, the Radcliffe Union of Students (RUS) used its first meeting of the semester yesterday to determine which issues draw the most concern from its members.

Having more tenured female professors, a more women-related curriculum and more cooperation between women's groups on campus were the three issues members were most interested in, newly elected RUS President Lisa C. Vogt '01-'02 said.

"I feel pretty optimistic," Vogt said. "We've got a lot of work to do but we have a lot of ideas and energy."


Members also discussed ideas for social events, such as presentations of senior theses relevant to women. Vogt said RUS may also invite the women's advocacy group RedWomen to hold a workshop encouraging positive thinking about menstruation.

About 20 students attended yesterday's meeting. Vogt said attendance at RUS meetings has increased dramatically since last year, when attendance consisted of a handful of board members.

Vogt said RUS' first-time participation in the First-Year Activities Fair this year explains the increase in interest. RUS could not table at the fair before this year because it had not yet applied for official student group status.

Before the Radcliffe-Harvard merger in 1999, RUS was the student governing body of Radcliffe College. After the merger, RUS members took more than six months before applying for official Harvard student group status.

The other new board members are Vice President Natalia A.J. Truszkowska '03-'04, Member Chair Jillian P. Copeland '04, Treasurer Sarah E. Tavel '04, publicity chairs Rebeccah G. Watson '04 and Amy E. Keel '04, Partners Initiative Chair Emily G. Douglas '04 and Historian Jessica M. Rosenberg '04.

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