
Jackie Chan Will Host Tomorrow's Cultural Rhythms

Actor follows Damon, Smith

Actor Jackie Chan will be honored as Artist of the Year at tomorrow's 16th annual Cultural Rhythms performance festival, the Harvard Foundation announced yesterday.

S. Allen Counter, director of the Harvard Foundation, said in a press release that he was "delighted" with the choice of Jackie Chan.

"His superb acting, his devotion to humanitarian causes and the broad intercultural appeal of his film make him a brilliant choice for this year's honoree," Counter said.


Chan is the first Asian to host Cultural Rhythms in at least seven years. Past hosts have included Academy Award-winning actor Matt Damon, Class of 1992, Will Smith and Halle Berry, who were honored in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

Ada J. Maxwell '02, co-stage manager for Cultural Rhythms, said Chan's popularity with students makes him a good choice for the show.

"For a couple of years, people have been regularly requesting Jackie Chan, but because of conflicts of interest he just hasn't been able to come," Maxwell said.

Kathryn A. Gin '04, who will perform with the Asian-American Dance Troupe as part of tomorrow's program, said she was excited about seeing Chan host the show.

"I love Jackie Chan," Gin said, citing her long-time admiration of his work. "I've watched the movies he produced when he was really young. They're just so funny."

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