
University Finalizes Plans for Mission Hill Land Sale

The University first moved to sell the ledge site in 1989, beginning negotiations with NHS. Over the next five years, the University and NHS held a series of community planning meetings to develop the residents' vision for the site. But a stalling real estate market brought the process to a standstill, as NHS couldn't find tenants to commit to the area.

"We thought we had a deal, but the real estate market in Boston took a turn for the worst and no one in the private sector was interested in participating," Buehrens said.

Then, in 1999, NHS found a client in Partners HealthCare.


"We didn't start out with, 'Let's build some office space,'" Hoffman says. "We started with wanting to revitalize this site in our neighborhood, and we wanted to see how we could do that while getting a number of community benefits."

Now, NHS, working together with the Northland Development Co., awaits the approval of the Boston Redevelopment Authority to go ahead with its development plan. A decision is expected this spring, with construction planned to begin in the fall.

The View From Mission Hill

Community members are strongly in favor of the plan to develop the area, with many submitting letters to the BRA praising the project.

Under Harvard's control, the site has languished, with graffiti covering the rocky ledge leading up to the area.

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