
Living Wage Protestors Give Rudenstine a Valentine

"That experience made the action--we got the big one," he said. "I think we got our message across, and we certainly startled [Rudenstine], at least. We count the day a success."

Despite the inclement weather, Vice President for Administration Sally H. Zeckhauser, Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles and Provost Harvey V. Fineberg '67 were not at home when the protestors visited.


The protest as a whole, was relatively low-key.

The twelve students started out into the rain armed with large, pink, heart-shaped Valentine's Day cards with living wage slogans. One card read "My Valentine Lives Below the Poverty Level."

One student held a radio protected from the downpour with a large black plastic bag. A Valentine's Day mix--featuring Nat King Cole and the Beatles--provided cheerful background music.

The students first headed to Zeckhauser's house--a ten-minute walk through intermittent rain.

On the way to Zeckhauser's house, however, the protesters got a little lost in the residential area and wound up at Knowles's house instead.

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