
Students Learn Fine Art of Interview Dining

Everyone ate in unison to the pace of Smith's commands.

"Lift your fork with your right hand, tines down, spear your chicken, cut down and to the left, down and to the left, switch your fork hand, put chicken in your mouth, replace the fork between twelve and four o' clock on your plate," she instructed while pacing amongst the tables.


With all the silverware and nervous hands, Smith repeated the watchword throughout the night, "Manners matter but safety first."

But however basic her commands seemed initially, the diners said they received them in relief.

And given the assurance by Smith that there was no such thing as a stupid question, the attendees got comfortable enough to ask her about their personal problems with manners.

"I spill things on my chin, what should I do?"

Lift your napkin, wipe your chin, and above all, protect your pants.

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