
Survey Confirms Alcohol Stereotypes

Athletes, final club members drink more; religious groups less

"Concurrently, if women were thinking of using substances on the basis of weight control, more women would smoke," says Lisa C. Vogt '01-'02, president of the Radcliffe Union of Students.

"Body image is also a problem for men," she adds.


Instead, women see their smaller physique as the reason behind the numerical spread.

Shauna L. Shames '01, president of Women's Initiative Network, says it "may also have to do with women on average not being as large physically and don't need to drink as much to get drunk."

Shames also says she believes women drink less because there are fewer organized women's social groups, and more opportunities for men to drink.

"Part of me wants to say ,'Go women at Harvard for not drinking as much as the men,"' Vogt says.

The Forbidden Drink

While Harvard athletes and final club members drink considerably more than the campus as a whole, members of religious organizations drink considerably less.

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