
Dartmouth, Cornell Are No Contest for M. Swimming

Kyle Egan, sophomore Mike Gentilucci and Lin swept the 200 backstroke.

Shevchik, Cieslikiewicz and Lawler touched first, second and third in the 500 freestyle.

Sophomore Ryan Parmenter, Walker and freshman Brad Burns finished one-two-three in the 100 butterfly.


Sophomore Erik Patton, freshman Tom Crahan and Roy beat all divers from Dartmouth and Cornell to sweep the three-meter diving competition with a final first-place score of 256.15.

Lawler, Dewey and freshman Rassan Grant took first through third place in the 200 IM. Lawler's time of 1:56.83 was over ten seconds faster than the nearest Dartmouth swimmer.

The 200 freestyle relay was no exception--the "A" team of Kyle Egan, Parmenter, Burns and Cole took first with a time of 1:24.90 while Harvard "B" finished second. Harvard "C" would have taken third, but it was swum as exhibition and left unscored.

In theory, the 200 free relay's outcome indicates that the 12th fastest Harvard swimmer, excluding the seniors that stayed behind, was faster than even the best Dartmouth "A" team member.

The Crimson travels to the University of Pennsylvania this weekend for its last dual meet of the season before the Eastern Championship, to be held at Army March 1-3.

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