
Winokur’s Enron Investigated

McKean’s e-mail, which crossed several large distribution lists, also pointed out Winokur’s involvement in DynCorp, a Defense Department contractor.

DynCorp focuses on logistical support for the military, including the spraying of herbicide on Colombian farms suspected of growing cocaine. This practice has received widespread criticism from human rights groups and the United Nations for damaging the environment, poisoning water supplies and for spraying and destroying farms which do not grow cocaine.

Winokur is currently a director of DynCorp, owns 3.5 percent of the company’s stock, and is the former chair of the board.

McKean said that PSLM research of business practices of Corporation members is not a new tactic, but a continuation of past activities, noting last year’s trip to the New York City offices of Corporation members. PSLM has also demonstrated against the secretive nature of this spring’s presidential search.

“I think that the issues are intertwined,” McKean said. “The Harvard Corporation is an obstacle to a genuine Harvard community on a variety of issues, including the living wage.”


—Staff writer Joseph P. Flood can be reached at
