Pforzheimer Master Suzanne McCarthy says that she and her husband decided several years ago to switch from having tutors card to BAT. She says they made the decision because they did not want to burden the tutors.
Hawkins agrees that tutors should just be able to enjoy themselves at Stein Club.
“The reason we don’t have tutors do it is because we think Stein Club is meant to be a friendly, fun atmosphere,” he says. “We think it’s important to have Stein Club be a place at which tutors don’t feel like policemen.”
Whether house committee members, BAT or tutors enforce the drinking age, Stein Club has become a necessary outlet for responsible drinking at Harvard, according to Taub.
“”I do feel one of its purposes is to teach responsible drinking,” Taub says. “Some people have been drinking since they got to college and some people haven’t. Stein Club is an opportunity to show you can just have one drink—you don’t have to drink until you’re drunk.”
—Staff writer Anne K. Kofol can be reached at