
M. Swimming Drowns Brown, Looks to Beat Yale, Princeton

Brown's hopes flickered and died, however, as Harvard proceeded to capture eleven of the next thirteen events, including freshman Ricky Roy's win on the one-meter diving board.

"He definitely upset the Brown divers," said junior Erik Frost of Roy's accomplishment. "They have some of the top divers in the league." As for this coming weekend, Frost commented, "We have a lot more depth, quality depth, than Princeton, so we're hoping to take some top spots in each event. Actually, I think that for both boards, it would be great and within our reach to sweep 1-2. We're looking to dominate."


Shevchik won the 100 backstroke in fifty-one seconds flat while freshman Kemi George took third. Grant and sophomore Michael Gentilucci took first and second place in the 100 breaststroke. Both swimmers came from behind in the last 25 yards of the race to beat out Brown junior Greg Bilton.

Gentilucci would also take third in the 400 IM later in the meet. Senior Will Oren, currently ranked second in the country in the 200 butterfly, won that event in 1:50.17 while sophomore Cory Walker took third.

"He's ready to blow up at HYP," sophomore Rick Dewey said of Walker, who participated in Olympic Trials last summer in the event. "He's really been kicking ass in practice."

Though Brown took the 50-yard freestyle (Drake was touched out by one-hundredth of a second at 21.39), Harvard's sprint freestylers were ready to go after the one-meter diving break. Senior Dan Barnes coined the phrase "outside smoke" as he took the event in 46.79 from all the way in lane eight. Freshman Brad Burns and senior Adam Shaw followed just hundredths of a second behind to round out the event with a one-two-three Harvard finish.

Grant became a double event-winner as he beat out Brown competitors to touch first in the 200 breast, while Im, who normally only swims backstroke events, won the 500 freestyle in 4:32.32. Walker finished less than six-tenths behind to take second place.

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