
Council Considers Elected Mayor

"I do feel it is divisive," Galluccio said. " It's a detractor, and takes a long time to come back together."

Despite the disagreement, several councillors said they supported

improving the system, even if they did not agree that Braude and Toomey's


proposal was the best way.

Several residents proposed having a instant runoff election instead of deciding the mayor's seat through the popular vote. Councillor Henrietta Davis proposed making the mayor's election "date certain," with the council having to select a leader by a set date at the beginning of each new term, still allowing the council, and not the public, to choose the mayor.

"I believe the mayor is the chairman of this board, and should be

elected by us," Davis said.

In the end, the councillors voted to place the item on file, and hold a series of public committee meetings to discuss the various options.

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