
Firing Away: HUPD Hones its Target Skills

"We always try to push the envelope," instructor Scot Green explains.

Simas says HUPD trains intensively to ensure that officers are able to hit their targets. FBI statistics show 84 percent of all shots fired by police miss their intended target.


"The more comfortable you are with the firearm in your hand, the better trained you are, the more likely you are to make the right decision--to shoot or not," Simas says.

Finding the Target

Right now, HUPD is right in the middle of its annual weapons retraining. Four officers a day face the instructors for eight hours of intensive training.

The officers undergoing re-qualification are briefed on the latest weapon technology, including a report from Europe about cell phones modified to fire .22-caliber bullets.

After the safety briefing, the officers take their places in the shooting bays.

"We try to mix it up a little each year," Favreau says. "This year we're having them qualify as soon as they walk through the door."

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