

A Lesson for Protesters

Now, I am not trying to warn that the gnarled, calloused hand of Mr. Prudent Harvard Administrator will soon bring the same penalty upon WHRB for some trumped-up violation. I believe that WHRB long has struck a responsible balance, between its various stakeholders and the administration, that has been most helpful to it. The important message here is that in conflict, university administrators wield power and students do not. By themselves, students represent a creative and energetic but ultimately weak group for achieving goals.

That sounds obvious, but the Undergraduate Council, the Living Wage Campaign, Right to Life and dozens of other groups that press for particular ends apparently do not always realize that success isn't just a matter of turning up the heat. Unfortunately, administrators will do whatever they want unless they are shown why an alternative goal serves the university better. The KTRU DJs failed to convince Rice why the university is better off with the "mutant hardcore flower hour" on the air than a basketball game.


Sameer Doshi '02 is an Environmental Science and Public Policy concentrator in Lowell House. He is a former News Director of WHRB.

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