

Despite Hurdles, Fletcher Maynard Academy Moves Ahead

At a committee meeting last week, Fantini recalled Maynard confronting the president of Harvard over the lack of educational chances for poor and minority students.

"The people from my neighborhood can't afford to go to Harvard," he recalled Maynard saying.


For Fantini, the Maynard name has become inviolable.

"You can have whatever process you want," Fantini said. "I am totally opposed to it."

Two weeks ago, more than 150 residents of the Fletcher and Maynard area signed a petition to the city council and school committee asking that the Maynard name be kept.

Even the city council has been involved. Two weeks ago, the council ordered--by a close 5-4 vote--that the school department "include the name of Joseph Maynard in the selection process."

The council's move was only symbolic, since no one in the schools department has said the Maynard name should not be considered.

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