
Kick-Off Recruiting Meeting Attracts Hundreds of Students

"I'll sell out, but, oh well, it happens to the best of us," he said. "I'm here to get a job."

However, most of the students--75 percent in the estimate of one OCS staffer--filling the aisles were seniors.


Some seniors, however, were just overwhelmed with the massive amount of information presented.

"I got to the point where I couldn't take notes anymore," said Sandra L.S. Guzman '01. "I'm going to go back later and look at the website."

But while the information was exhaustive, some seniors were happy to know they had a helping hand.

"It's reassuring to know that there are people to walk you through--that I'm not standing alone," said Sarah M. McAuley '01. "Part of this whole thing is to see what's out there."

While recruiting often attracts business-minded students, some audience members are pursuing more traditional academic post-graduation routes--along with recruiting.

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