
Republicans stress conservative ideology, fun

Equal time was allotted to parliamentarian Justin A. Barkley '02, who spoke solely about the need for conservatism in the Undergraduate Council.

Join the Party

The club plans to lure first-year students not only by spreading its party's message, but also by emphasizing its social side.


"Freshmen want to see an organization that shows leadership and has goals and has fun," Brinton said.

"We're a fun organization," Brinton added. "Students respond to that cause."

HRC has already made headlines with its "Party Watch" e-mail list, a weekly listing of weekend parties at Harvard sent to all club members.

Member-at-Large W. Lucien Smith '02, referred to at the meeting simply as the "party guy," compiles the listing.

Brinton said all five parties on last weekend's list were "jam-packed," and a couple had to be shut down due to overcrowding.

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