
This Year, Wolf Won't Even Have to Bare Her Teeth

And in her first term, Wolf established herself as an advocate for working people as well as for well-to-do liberals.

The Carpenters Local 40 workers' union, which had endorsed Galluccio in 1996, switched to Wolf in 1998. And on Monday members of Local 40 appeared with Wolf at an event in Porter Square.


The union still supports Galluccio--now as mayor--but it has a policy of not opposing incumbents with solid labor records, said Joe Powers, the union's business representative. And Wolf's record had met that standard to the members' satisfaction.

"She's been very supportive on the living wage and social programs," Powers said.

This Year's Campaign

This year, Wolf says her campaign has "quite a bit lower" intensity but is still active.

"You always build for the next time," Wolf says.

Eric Pugatch, who is running her campaign for the first time, says Wolf is still knocking on doors regularly to keep herself visible.

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