
Stad To Head National College Democrats

"It is as little as getting peers out registering to vote, to teaching them that apathy and cynicism will get them nowhere in politics and that if less people are interested there will be fewer qualified candidates in the future," he said.

Stad's new position is one of the top jobs in the CDA, and one devoted to local efforts, he said.


"My job is more at the bottom, figuring out how we get things done at the state level," he said.

Because Harvard's chapter was already one of the strongest in the country, Stad said he felt he could make a contribution at a higher level.

In April he ran for president of the Massachusetts College Democrats and won. Over the summer he decided he wanted to run for the presidency of the national council.

Stad's Harvard predecessor, Joseph N. Sanberg '01, was also president of both the national council and the state chapter.

Stad said he is excited about the potential of his job and the implications of his work.

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