
Website, University Exchange Lawsuits

NotHarvard bills itself as a "pioneer in developing online, branded universities and...the use of free, online education as a sales and marketing weapon."

Apparently, that mission is too close to Harvard's for the University's comfort.

"We get most concerned when someone uses our name in something related to teaching and research," Wrinn said.


Wrinn described the matter as a case of "confusion and dilution."

"They're using Harvard as a moniker and a marketing tool," he said.

While University officials and attorneys refused to reveal their litigation strategy, Fisher said that the University's grievance most likely rests on the idea that notHarvard is "diluting" Harvard's famous trademark.

"The dilution provision in the current federal trademark statute enables the holder of famous marks to prevent the registration or use of marks that would not confuse consumers but that either blur or tarnish the famous mark," Fisher said.

Harvard's suit alleges that notHarvard has violated several federal and state laws.

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