
New Dean Appointed at Kennedy School

Nye said Newman's past work experience makes her a perfect fit for the KSG position.

"She has a reputation as an excellent manager," Nye said.


According to Newman, her first order of business will be to get to know the faculty and gain an understanding of the issues facing the school.

"My concern will be to maintain a financially sound position and to work with people to make sure our info-tech system and facilities are well-organized so as to serve the programs and people," Newman said

Though she will not officially take office until August 7, Newman said she is thrilled with her new position.

"I'm very excited," she said. "Over the years I've been to a number of the programs there and have always admired the work of the school and the Faculty."

Those she is a resident of a small seaside town in New Hampshire, Newman said she will also rent an apartment in the Boston area for convenience.

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