
Murray Center Seals Kaczynski Data

In one part of the experiment, subjects were pressured to respond to questions asked under extreme duress, with bright lights and cameras pointed at them and electrodes attached to their bodies.

Dr. Ross Neissuler, who also took part in the study, said that participants also took the Thematic Apperception Test, a psychological test that Murray himself developed.


The experiences left some participants scarred for life.

Chase cites several other participants in the study who were quite disturbed by the experience, and remembered years later how angry, frightened and violated they felt. Chase suggests that feelings of this kind might have driven Kaczynski to lash out against society.

Kaczynski, according to Chase, was already mentally unstable before entering Harvard, and his 8 Prescott Street residence during his first year only served to isolate him further from his fellow students. Murray's study, Chase speculates, took that isolation even further, pushing the psychological limits of the young participants in nearly every way possible.

Murray, a former colonel in the U.S. Army and an agent for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), made his mark on the government during World War II before returning to Harvard to continue his work as a professor.

During his time at the OSS, according to his former colleagues, Murray was obsessed with mind control and used LSD, among other drugs, attempting to determine how to brainwash subjects. Murray presented his findings after taking LSD at an international conference in Copenhagen.

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