
Haviaras Retires After 26 Years as Curator of Poetry Room

Library officials have yet to appoint successors to literary post

About 50 people applied for the position, according to Jeffrey L. Horrell, Associate Librarian of Harvard College for Collections.

"By tomorrow I will have interviewed a goodly number of people who looked, on the basis of a preliminary perusal of the applications, [like they] deserve a closer look by the College library," Stoneman says. "What I will then do is set up a series of more extensive interviews with a smaller group of these people."


He said an appointment is expected by late summer or early fall.

Love in the Library

When he describes the qualities that a successor needs-"loving poetry and having passion for it"--Haviaras reveals the love for the written word that has defined his life as a poet and curator.

He has published two novels, a collection of poems, four books of poetry in Greek and, most recently, a book of prose poems.

Bruce Bennett, who published Haviaras's prose poem collection for the Wells College Press, said that though he is a diligent curator, Haviaras is primarily an outstanding writer.

"These poems are very distinct from other prose poems," Bennett says. "I think these are extraordinarily wide-ranging and suggestive, and fascinating and effective as poems."

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