
Globe Columnist Talks Politics, Press

He recounted a campaign event in New Hampshire earlier this year where Bush simply introduced his parents and siblings without giving a speech.

"The people there were thinking, 'Who is this silly son of a bitch who thinks that all he has to do is introduce his gene pool?'" Nyhan quipped.


While election day is still months away, Nyhan said he believes the election will turn on the outcomes of five states--New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Ohio.

He said all other states have been virtually decided already based on regional preferences to the two respective parties.

"The South is pretty much locked up for Bush, but Gore might get Tennessee," Nyhan said. "The Democrats get slaughtered in the mountain states, and Bush has no chance in California and New York."

Nyhan said that vice presidential selection could also be a major factor in the race as well.

"It may provide Gore with an opportunity to up his standing," he said.

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