
From Cap and Gown to Wedding Gown

At a time when most are struggling to figure out what job they'll hold next year, these seniors are making a lifetime commitment

"Jesus washed his disciples' feet as a sign of his devotion, and I want this example to set the foundation and tone for our relationship," Jon explains.

Finally, the last stop: The lovebirds hiked on to find a champagne bottle--filled with Mountain Dew--and shared a toast as Jon's brother, hidden in the bushes, snapped pictures.

Plans. Jon will work at Harvard Business School for two years as a research associate, preparation for a possible career in business. Jill will teach at an elementary school in the Boston area.

Backstage Romance

Lori H. Sonderegger '00 and Mike J. DeCleene '99 met in fall 1998 when they were both on the technical crew for "Crimes of the Heart," a student theater production. Their first date was a trip to see the show on its opening night. During the show, other members in the crew exchanged bets over the headsets about their chances of becoming a couple.


The Facts. Lori, an Eliot House resident from Orange, Conn., is a joint concentrator in chemistry and physics and in French. Mike, from Chicago, lived in Pforzheimer House and concentrated in economics.

The marriage will be at the First Church in Cambridge on Garden Street June 23.

Rocky Proposal. Mike's 13-year-old sister wanted to help choose the engagement ring. She felt slighted when Mike picked one without her, so she bought him a garden-variety rock with the words "Marry me" painted on it. Mike thought it was so cute that he proposed to Lori by handing her the rock rather than the ring.

Plans. Lori will study French literature in a graduate program at Duke University. She says she would eventually like to return to New England. Mike plans to work in North Carolina, though he does not have a job lined up yet.

Serious Business

The traditional romantic proposal--on a sunset walk, for instance--just wouldn't do for James L. Hegyi '00 and Alisa N. Plesco. Instead, James, former business manager for the Crimson, sat Alisa down to discuss the issue of marriage. After weighing the costs and benefits, the two decided marriage was a good idea and that the wedding would take place June 17.

The Facts. James is a classics concentrator from Southport, Conn. living in Mather House. Alisa, from Pittsburgh, graduated this May from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in bioengineering. The pair started dating as seniors at Phillips Exeter Academy. For their honeymoon, they will travel to Italy's Amalfi coast and then to Rome.

A Woman's Intuition. James and Alisa wanted to announce the marriage to both sets of parents in person, so they flew to visit Alisa's parents first.

One week later, with James' family, they announced they had something interesting to tell James' parents. James' mother was hardly surprised. She had suspected the plan immediately upon hearing the couple was visiting Alisa's family. She told them she had already decided to give her blessing.

Plans. The couple will live in New York City. Both plan to join the work force, James as an analyst at Blackstone Group, though Alisa may later go to graduate school.

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