
Nieman Candidate Angers Journalists

Anatomy of a Selection

Last fall Kovach, former head of the New York Times Washington bureau and editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, announced his intention to leave Harvard by June and said that he hoped a successor would be named by the Nieman Foundation reunion in late April.

Just before the reunion, Harvard was engaged in serious discussions with Carroll, who was leaving his job as editor of The Baltimore Sun, about the possibility of his taking the post.


But then the Tribune Company purchased Times Mirror, the parent

company of the Los Angeles Times, and offered Carroll the editorship


Carroll spent a "couple of sleepless nights" and then decided to take himself out of the running for the Nieman job.

Carroll started at the Times on April 24. Four days later, on April 28, at the Nieman Fellows reunion, Kovach declared the Foundation curatorship "ready for an upgrade," but did not, as he had hoped, have the new curator by his side.

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