
Internet Restrictions to Increase, IOP Speaker Says

But along with increased regulation have come new ways to share information.

Zittrain spoke of the recently released novel Riding the Bullet by Stephen King, which was made available on the Internet with one stipulation--users could read the book online but could not print out copies.


"They have managed to bottle it up so that you can only have it on your screen," Zittrain said.

He joked about hackers who were able to break into the system and download the book.

"The thing was free already but they hacked it just to show they could," Zittrain said.

But he said that most normal users do not go to the lengths of hackers.

"It works for these guys with a soldering gun and a lot of free time, but for a lot of us, it won't be worth the time or the effort," Zittrain said.

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