


Why is it that, somehow, I think that if Apple was the sponsor and Intel had the kiosks, Apple wouldn't have been so paranoid as to demand such a stipulation as covering and unplugging anything. Yet, as a dedicated Mac user, I can't help but feel a bit giddy and pleased that Intel made such a demand based on fear of market trends and the success of iMacs, and Macs in general. Get used to it, Intel.

Jerry K. Musser


Columbia, Pa.

June 10, 2000

Knafel Plans Missed Resident Review

To the editors:

To say that "residents" lauded the new design for the Knafel Center (News, June 5) misrepresents the Mid Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District Commission proceedings on May 30. While it is true that several of the commissioners (who are all "residents") applauded Harry Cobb's new design, the residents attending the hearing were given no opportunity to react to the proposal.

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