
Amid Pageantry, 6,165 Graduates Receive Degrees

Harvard Yard swells with proud family members

Harvard Law School graduates waved inflatable sharks, Harvard Business School graduates waved handfuls of money and Harvard Medical School graduates threw urine sample bottles after drinking champagne out of them.

Harvard Divinity School graduates added what may have been the most inspired touches to their academic regalia, constructing halos to go over their mortarboards.

The day had begun hours earlier for most in attendance.


Seniors were roused by 7 a.m.--Quincy House seniors had a bagpipe player to wake them up before heading to a class breakfast and short church service.

Most parents and guests hoping for good seats were up and waiting in lines that stretched down Mass. Ave. and around street corners.

Mary R. Bediako, of Hempstead, N.Y., ended up with a "good" seat closer to Widener Library than to the stage on the steps of Memorial Church, but on the center aisle which she got in line for at 7:30. She said she was there to see her son, Sitso W. Bediako '00.

Joseph Lonergan, of Fairfax County, Va., got in line at 8 a.m. and ended up on the lawn leading up to Lamont Library. He could not see the stage, but he could hear it well while sitting in the shade of a tall bush.

"It could be the worst [seat]," he said. "But it might be the best."

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