"This is our first time trying this. We are not in any way professionals," said the group's co-founder, Monica M. Ramirez '01.
Danzon, a dance group from Boston University, thrilled the audience with fleet-footed Zapateado dance from Veracruz and an Aztec dance featuring dramatic peacock-feather headdresses that reached several feet into the air.
"It was great--there was a turnout of a wide array of schools, ages and cultures," Izzy Ruiz '00 said.
"It was worth coming here even after working a ten-hour day," said Rani Tserotas '98.
"We're all here for the same reason--a sense of community," said Sergio Castellon '00. "There should be more days like this through the year. But we should appreciate the ones we do get, because there are so few."