
Rosenberg Promises Strong Pro-Bow Voice on Coop Board

L. Stuart Rosenberg, a Kennedy School of Government (KSG) student who founded the Save the Bow campaign, won, along with nine other students, a Harvard Cooperative Society board position last Friday.

Rosenberg, who added his name to the ballot at the last minute by getting a petition signed by KSG students, is spearheading efforts to keep the Bow and Arrow Pub in Harvard Square.

The Bow and the neighboring Dunkin' Donuts franchise reside at 1 Bow Street. Both are owned by the Coop and are undergoing internal renovations that will soon extend to the entire building.


Coop President Jeremiah P. Murphy '73 has said in interviews that the renovations will force the Bow and the Donut shop to vacate the premises. The concern is whether the two will return after renovations are completed this fall, Murphy has told the Crimson.

Murphy said IDM Inc., the development company in charge of the reconstruction, is currently looking for tenants but isn't ruling out anyone, including its current occupants.

However, according to Murphy and other sources close to the deal, IDM is hoping to find a single, large retail store to occupy the entire building, although they have not yet secured such a tenant.

Rosenberg, along with fellow KSG students and campaign supporters Jane Aceintuno and Daniel Braga, said they intend to show the Coop board that many Coop members, himself included, do not support this action.

The Coop asserts they no longer have any control over who rents the property, as they have ceded all responsibility for recruiting and signing tenants to IDM.

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