
G-Movies Contain Violence, Study Concludes

While the 1998 film My Neighbor Totoro contained only six seconds of violence, Warner Bros.' The Quest for Camelot featured more than 24 minutes of violence.

The average for all the films was 9.5 minutes, or 11.8 percent of their total running times.


The researchers also concluded that recent movies were more violent than older ones.

In the early 1940s, animated movies had an average of six minutes of violence. By the late 1990s, that figure had ballooned to 11 minutes of violence.

And the carnage isn't limited to what Yokota and Thompson labeled the "bad" characters.

Though "bad" characters were 23 times more like to die from their injuries, in nearly every movie, at least one "good" character engaged in violence.

In fact, 55 percent of the violence involved clashes between "good" or "neutral" characters and "bad" characters.

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